Ellen O’Grady is an artist and activist from North Carolina who spent six years living and working in Palestine and Israel. On October 13 she will talk about her experiences and stories of individual Palestinians living in the West Bank. Their stories and Ellen’s own story are linked through remembering the Biblical flood story. Her talk is part of the Peace & Justice Coffee House Teach-in series.
When: Thursday, October 13, 2005, 7:00 p.m.
Where: University of Missouri--Kansas City (UMKC), Flarsheim Hall, 5110 Rockhill Road, Room 260, Kansas City, Missouri.

Her work has been shown in galleries and museums throughout the country. Ellen's volunteer work in Palestine led to several commisioned public projects. Much of her work draws from her time in Palestine and Israel and reflects on the present conflict revealing the human faces behind the ongoing tragedy. For a complete list, see
below. Ellen is currently on a nation-wide tour to promote her new book,
Outside the Ark. It is the culmination of her painting series of the same name whose inspiration came from her time living and working in the West Bank. For information on the book and to purchase a copy,
go here.
(Image: "On a Monday" by Ellen O'Grady)Outside the Ark tells the stories of individual Palestinians living in the West Bank. It links these stories and her own story through a remembering of the Biblical flood story. The work is exhibited in the form of a slide-show/storytelling performance, in paintings exhibitions, and in a
book. It has been reaching people at a variety of venues, including art galleries, public libraries, colleges, high schools and places of worship.
Peace and Justice Teach-Ins are supported by: the Alliance for Democracy, American Friends Service Committee, Greens of Greater Kansas City, Holy Family Catholic Worker House ... and others. This support does not necessarily imply endorsement of the views of any speaker or presentation..Peace and Justice Teach-Ins are meant to be a free speech forum for progressive thought. "Peace and Justice Teach-Ins" neither advocates nor endorses violent or illegal acts. For more information or to make corrections, or to suggest speakers, call (816) 931-5256 or (913) 384-6094.