AFSC has frequently provided leadership in addressing global peace issues as they emerged and is currently providing leadership to oppose war on Iraq and the establishment of a permanent war society. In addition KC AFSC addresses a range of issues through weekly "coffeehouse" discussions of emerging issues.

Friday, February 09, 2007

february calendar

February --2007 -- February
When? Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Where? Unity on the Plaza, Classroom D (rear of first floor)
February 21: The War Tapes – from Democracy for America is one of the most compelling documentaries of our time. It focuses not just on the war, but life back home and the difficult ways family and relationships change. The film is powerful and moving conveying both the passion and mindset of American soldiers and the incredible human and community cost of war. You have never seen film like this before. After the movie, we will send postcards to congress demanding binding action to end the occupation in Iraq and bring our brave men and women home. The movement to end this war is building; help us unite our voices by taking action together:
At Avila University
February 28: Truman Lecture at Avila. Sr. Helen Prejean (Dead Man Walking author) will be on a panel with a lawyer and an exonerated ex-inmate. Tickets may be available from AFSC (no charge, but sold out.) Avila is also putting on the play Thursday through Sunday. So far, Thursday is sold out.
New web spot --
Peace and Justice Teach-Ins are supported by: the Alliance for Democracy, American Friends Service Committee, Greens of Greater Kansas City, Holy Family Catholic Worker House ... and others. This support does not necessarily imply endorsement of the views of any speaker or presentation..
Peace and Justice Teach-Ins are meant to be a free speech forum for progressive thought. "Peace and Justice Teach-Ins" neither advocates nor endorses violent or illegal acts. For more information or to make corrections, or to suggest speakers, call (816) 931-5256 or (913) 384-6094.