AFSC has frequently provided leadership in addressing global peace issues as they emerged and is currently providing leadership to oppose war on Iraq and the establishment of a permanent war society. In addition KC AFSC addresses a range of issues through weekly "coffeehouse" discussions of emerging issues.

Friday, January 27, 2006

february calendar

February 2: The Color of Death: Racial Implications of the Death Penalty-Laura Partridge Presentation on the criminal injustice system in Missouri, as it relates to sentencing. Dialogue on the facts surrounding the death penalty and obvious racist patterns will be encouraged. Should group agree the death penalty should be abolished we will develop an action plan to that end. If participants support the death penalty discussion will center on why and how the penalty should be administered. Partridge is Program Director for Creating Racial Justice and Youth & Militarism with the American Friends Service Committee-KC. Laura has served in that capacity for four years.

February 9: Why are people fighting in the Sudan--Thuc Juag & Malang Mabior. Thuc & Malang came to the United States 5 years ago from the Sudan. They will talk about the causes and origins of the conflict there.

February 16: State Run Media: the Republicanization of the Media—Craig Lubow. We will discuss the deregulation and consolidation of the media, the power of the "religious right" on the media, and "brotherhood" between the mainstream media and the Republican party. We will talk about what we can do to put "journalism" back into the media, the independent media movement, and what we can do to develop a fair and impartial media that will create investigative media.
Craig is a lawyer.

February 23: Liberation Education: a Strategy for the 21st Century – Lloyd Daniel. Lloyd will read a poem and talk about how we can accelerate democratic resistance and create more people-oriented development projects and movements in Kansas City. Lloyd is a poet, educator, and former Missouri legislator.


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