November Schedule
When? Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
Where? ** New location: Westport Coffee House, 4010 Pennsylvania
First floor meeting room
November 3: The End of Suburbia --John Fish Kuhrman. How high will gas prices go? Will they ever come back down? And why did they go up in the first place? Join us for video and discussion of how higher gas prices will affect the economy and our lives. John is active in the KC Food Circle.
November 10: Afghanistan after the war – Ali Sultani. Ali, a long-time resident of Kansas City, returned to visit relatives in Afghanistan recently. He will share with us his observations about how things are going there now. Ali is a media specialist at KCKCC.
November 17: Law for the People – Anthony Badgerow. Anthony will give some history of the National Lawyer’s Guild and discuss contemporary legal issues affecting working people. Anthony recently completed his law degree at UMKC.
November 24: Thanksgiving – no meeting
Peace and Justice Teach-Ins are supported by: the Alliance for Democracy, American Friends Service Committee, Greens of Greater Kansas City, Holy Family Catholic Worker House ... and others. This support does not necessarily imply endorsement of the views of any speaker or presentation..
Peace and Justice Teach-Ins are meant to be a free speech forum for progressive thought. "Peace and Justice Teach-Ins" neither advocates nor endorses violent or illegal acts. For more information or to make corrections, or to suggest speakers, call (816) 931-5256 or (913) 384-6094.
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